Sunday, March 28, 2010

American Missouri Residents!

Welcome to another edition of the Rebel Rider Review.

Governor J. Nixon for Missouri is not really doing the job he was assigned to do by the voters. His job description is and should be as follows: To protect, serve, govern all aspects of the Corporation and Government, and to uphold and protect the unalienable rights of every AMERICAN residing within his territorial domain, as is stipulated within the body of the US Constitution.

Gov. J. Nixon seems to have stood behind statements made by the Lt Gov. right after both of them won their elected seats of CEO status within Missouri. The LT. Governor made direct statements that any anarchist, Libertarian, Independent, follower of Ron Paul, and several others, who this gentleman claims are conspiracy theorists, should be listed as Domestic Terrorists of the State. Gov. J. Nixon literally kept silent and gave no support, but specifically, did not reprimand anyone for those statements made. Those statements remained intact until Chuck Baldwin, Ron Paul, and fellow colleagues filed charges against those statements made that they were finally calmed down. BUT those statements made the impact that the J. Nixon administration seemed to have wanted. It made Nationwide publicity.

Gov. J. Nixon also made promises to certain organizations for total support of their agendas prior to his election and then turned redcoat on those organizations. This has left a really bad taste in the mouths of those organizations and they are not happy about it. It used to be a gentleman's word was his honor. Well, it seems as though J. Nixon is not near as honorable as he projected on his road to the Missouri White house.

Now Missouri Americans and all other Americans reading this BLOG, in my opinion, as long as each of you continue to depend on the TWO PARTY SYSTEM (Repubs and Demos) you are gonna get what you always get: Nothing that you expect, or not enough, but just enough, expectation, to keep a deceiver in the position of power, so they continue their job of pulling the wool over your eyes. This is just exactly what J. Nixon and company have actually done to the Americans of Missouri.

First off we have a Governor, Lt Governor, and several other members of the cabinet who are Republican or Conservative. Then there are the Demos strung out throughout the system as well. All of these individuals or persons, as they are corporate officers, are working together on the same agenda, and that is to keep the control of Missouri in Jefferson City, Mo., instead of dispersing that authority out amongst the Americans residing within the REPUBLIC (not State as that is defined as the political power).

Every individual or a majority of the individuals who live or reside in Missouri are an American (North, South, or Central), not citizens, as citizens brings with it a really negative connotation (Citizen Kane for example). The system, we all are familiar with, continues to bring division amongst all of us. We have Republican supporters following a Republican agenda. We have Democratic supporters who follow the Democratic agenda. We have Libertarian and Independent supporters who tend to follow the agenda established by those organizations. This ideology keeps each and every one of us divided on issues that we should be united on from the very start. I am trying to change the ideology of the Libertarian Front with the ideology of a contract with society called the "Law of Fairness". Needless to say, Party Leaders and agenda followers will find it really hard to sign onto this contract, because it forces every individual to become more and more self responsible for actions, deeds, contracts, and words.

Missouri Americans believe that ratifying the 10th Amendment of the US Constitution will bring Sovereignty back into Missouri. This is a very false idea to believe and follow. Why? Because our Constitution of Missouri had its "Metes and Bounds" removed from the original Constitution, as it was written. Metes and Bounds are the set boundaries of the people of Missouri, and is the agenda that allows or does not allow anyone to govern the specific people who reside there. Once that was removed with the Oregon Treaty of 1846, then all of the States or Republics were converted into Corporate States governed by the Crown of the UK. All "Metes and Bounds", which set the Sovereign boundaries for each State or Republic, was removed from the Missouri Constitution, and other Constitutions, and brought all governance back over to the Crown of the UK and the Queen, sitting in power now, and has direct power now over all citizens, as they call us, and also direct what the people can or can not do. (can you detect slavery here?: even Corporations use totalitarianism as their governance!)

In order to win back our Sovereignty (and the international world recognizes this tactic), every Missouri American and every American MUST become a LAWFUL Landowner (not Legal landowner). As a Lawful Landowner you become independent of the Corporate stranglehold, the UK has on this country and its people. You will be recognized internationally and do not need to follow the Corporate Agenda set up by the UK, and followed by EVERY Corporate organization under it. (this includes the Governments established under the Corporatocracy of Rules and Regulations which are interpreted by Lawyers or Barristers or ESQUIRES to become a legal matter then) (Law is flawless. It is the interpretation of Law under specific agendas that corrupt the Law and make it a "Legal")

Lawyers, Barristers, and (legal term--->) ESQUIRES have all sworn allegiance to the Royal Crown of the UK and do not represent anyone who hires them. (Could that be why they could not advertise in publications for many years, until more recently [in the last 20-25 years]?) Most to many Legislators, Judges, Executive Officers, and the like are registered Lawyers. Judges claim to have dropped their membership in the BAR (British Attorney Registry), but it sure seems strange that they hobnob with every Attorney and Lawyer down at the Bar they all congregate to, of an evening. But it also seems strange that when it comes to Law, Judges take the Barrister's, Lawyer's definitions as rule, when it comes to their courtrooms. Why? Because it would seem they do not want to upset the applecart and may want to return back to the organization they claim to have left. Every Lawyer, Barrister ever registered, has the TITLE of ESQUIRE subscribed to their contracts, that they have signed, in order to belong to one of the biggest Unions of the World (not of just the US but the World) and just so happens to be directly or indirectly related to the Corporate World.

The one thing all American Missourians and all Americans need to do, is to come to full unity and stand up together to fight this Corporate (UK?) takeover, that is confronting all of us as we go on, into our daily lives. If we stood for our neighbors and friends, and stood for those who can not defend themselves, then we have shown ourselves, that WE ARE THE DECISION MAKERS; not our Rulers or Leaders, and WE take full responsibility for ourselves and help those around us that are less fortunate. If we, as Americans, do not step up to UNIFYING all Americans in this fight, then we will be CONQUERED. Remember the MOTTO: United We Stand: Divided We Fall! That is so very true in this present time, we are living.

I, myself, live by the "Law of Fairness", and I do get abrupt at times. That is because I do not allow illusions and the non breathing, non living, and non human, Corporation or Government (the entity itself is non Human; only the members are Human, and none of them take personal responsibility for any of their actions) to dictate how I should live my life, as I see fit, and do not cause harm or bring damage to anyone else or their property or contracts. If I do bring those damages or harm to anyone, I take responsibility to repair it. Corporations and Governments have no authority to Land Ownership either. Only a Human Being has that inalienable right to Property.

I am looking at running for the Office of Governor of Missouri in 2012 on the Libertarian Ticket. (I am for: Vote All Incumbents Out !) I ask for your support, and if you would like to make donations to this cause, even before I officially register for the campaign, you may send donations to at (go to Pay Pal, click on send money to, add that above email address in the box and then send by credit card, debit card, or check) I would use these donations to organize seminars (3-4 hour seminars for introduction to me and points of my agenda), organize staff and supporters for the upcoming battle to be had in Missouri. It is time for the Americans of Missouri to become UNIFIED and take back this great Republic we live in. Let us regain our TRUE Sovereignty and become the leaders of the Free World in the REVOLUTION.

As I said, I live by the "Law of Fairness: and here it is:

The Law of Fairness

Law of Fairness


The core essence of human life is the right of Self-determination. No government, government entity, individual, or group, including religious doctrines has the right to determine how an individual should live his or her life; as long as, the individual’s actions are in accordance with the Law of Fairness and the Laws of Nature. No individual, group, government or government entity has the right or authority to impose their will through the use of deception, threat of deception, threat of force, fraud, coercion, threat of initiated force or initiated force on any individual who has reached the age of reasoning.*

The right of self -determination includes any and all choices that encompass the liberty and freedom of the individual to determine how said individual will procure income, real property, worldly possessions, choice of social compact and happiness; as long as, said individual is abiding by the Law of Fairness and the Laws of Nature.

Stipulation 1: Any individual, group, or government using deception, threat of deception, fraud, coercion, threat of initiated force, or initiatory force upon another individual, group, government, social compact, or their property or contracts is violating the Law of Fairness and such actions are strictly prohibited.

Stipulation 2: Any individual, group, government or government entity not abiding by the Law of Fairness will be subject to corrective measures according to the depth and scope of the infringement as adjudicated by the governing body whose jurisdiction includes the location where the infringement occurred. Use of force is justifiable ONLY in the event of the violation of the Law of Fairness by any individual, group, or government or government entity.

Stipulation 3: There shall be no exceptions to Stipulations 1 and 2.

* Age of Reasoning When an individual believes that he or she has reached the age of reasoning, that individual can formally express his or her intent to pursue his or her right to self-determination within the community, and accept full responsibility for their actions -- under the Law of Fairness. At the moment of the acceptance by the community, the expression will be considered recognized.

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